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Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2022

Translating Time : Cinema, the Fantastic, and Temporal Critique (9780822345107)

Under modernity, time is regarded as linear and measurable by clocks and calendars. Despite the historicity of clock-time itself, the modern concept of time is considered universal and culturally neutral. What Walter Benjamin called "homogeneous, empty time" founds the modern notions of progress and a uniform global present in which the past and other forms of time consciousness are seen as superseded. In Translating Time, Bliss Cua Lim argues that fantastic cinema depicts the coexistence of other modes of being alongside and within the modern present, disclosing multiple "immiscible temporalities" that strain against the modern concept of homogeneous time. In this wide-ranging study-encompassing Asian American video (On Cannibalism), ghost films from the New Cinema movements of Hong Kong and the Philippines (Rouge, Itim, Haplos), Hollywood remakes of Asian horror films (Ju-on, The Grudge, A Tale of Two Sisters) and a Filipino horror film cycle on monstrous viscera ...

Motorroller aus China, Taiwan und Korea (376885373X)

Das Wartungs- und Reparaturbuch für Fans preisgünstiger asiatischer Motorroller! Die grundlegenden Wartungsroutinen und Reparaturmöglichkeiten an Motorrollern von verschiedenen asiatischen Herstellern werden leicht verständlich erklärt. Service, Ersatzteile und technische Informationen zu sogenannten "Baumarkt-Rollern" aus Asien sind Mangelware. Diese Tatsache stellt die Besitzer der stylishen, bezahlbaren Flitzer oft vor Probleme und schreckt manchen potenziellen Käufer ab. Das muss nicht sein. Das vorliegende Buch macht Wartung und Reparatur, soweit sie sich außerhalb der Profi-Werkstatt selbst erledigen lassen, einfach. Die wichtigsten technischen Daten von 118 Modellen werden auf 17 Datenblättern zusammengefasst. Product details Format Paperback | 300 pages ...

The Stonewall Reader (9780143133513)

For the fiftieth anniversary of the Stonewall uprising, an anthology chronicling the tumultuous fight for LGBTQ rights in the 1960s and the activists who spearheaded it June 28, 2019 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Stonewall uprising - the most significant event in the gay liberation movement and the catalyst for the modern fight for LGBTQ rights in the United States. Drawing from the New York Public Library's archives, The Stonewall Reader is a collection of firsthand accounts, diaries, periodic literature and articles from LGBTQ magazines and newspapers that documented both the years leading up to and the years following the riots. Most importantly, this anthology shines a light on forgotten figures who were pivotal in the movement, such as Lee Brewster, head of the Queens Liberation Front and Ernestine Eckstine, one of the few out, African American, lesbian activists in the 1960s. Product details ...

Photographic Memory : Advanced Techniques to Improve Memory, Have Unlimited Memory and Accelerated Learning with Memory Techniques (9781989765005)

Does your memory constantly fail you? Learn proven memory improvement hacks today! Recent studies show that a vast majority of people live with the inability to recall accurately. Failing memory can be quite consequential, whether while taking a school test, promotional test or delivering a vital lecture, it projects an image of incompetence which is often wrong. Following the right steps can unlock the key to fully recalling images from your memory. If you want to break the memory loss circle, then you must be willing to dedicate yourself to a set of simple instructions and tricks that will teach you how to control your mind, this book is key. In this book you will learn: Simple but effective tricks to improve memory recall A key food that can help memory improvement Essential techniques to revise and memorize quickly for exams An amazing strategy to recall little details Practical ways to build a photographic memory No matter how bad you think your memory recall is, with some pra...

Oxford School Thesaurus (9780192747112)

This authoritative new edition of the bestselling Oxford School Thesaurus boosts vocabulary and improves writing skills through new curriculum support. With the help of the Oxford Children's Corpus, the largest bank of children's language in English, the thesaurus is able to proivde a range of carefully-levelled words, synonyms and antonyms and age-appropriate example sentences. These are written in the natural language of contemporary children using contexts that will make the thesaurus easy and enjoyable for every child to use. Phrasal verbs, idioms, and writing tips help to explore the richness of language and make writing more effective, whether in creative writing or in essays, projects, reports and letters. A writing supplement with spelling, grammar and punctuation support makes this a complete toolkit to enhance basic literacy skills, build confidence, deliver the curriculum and help children prepare for the level of writing expected at secondary school. As with all ...

Más allá de la razón secular : algunos retos contemporáneos para la vida y el pensamiento de la Iglesia, vistos desde Occidente (9788493476007)

En esta colección se recogen textos no muy extensos de pensamiento cristiano contemporáneo (no sólo católico, sino dentro de una perspectiva ecuménica), en los que la mirada de la fe y la teología se dirige a las realidades de la sociedad actual para establecer con ellas un diálogo riguroso y constructivo sobre la situación presente del mundo. En el Prólogo de este primer Cuaderno podemos leer: "Al publicar hoy este artículo en Granada, deseo que pueda contribuir, lo mismo que las demás publicaciones de la editorial "Nuevo Inicio", a un debate que nuestra Iglesia, a mi juicio, necesita acometer con urgencia, dentro de sí misma y también con el mundo, y tal vez todavía más, precisamente, en el contexto actual de la sociedad española. Las circunstancias que vive hoy la Iglesia, y en consecuencia el mundo, especialmente el mundo que ha sido cristiano, son extraordinariamente graves. Y, sin embargo, esa misma gravedad pudiera ser ocasión, sobre todo a la luz de las claves fu...

The Lacrosse Training Bible : The Complete Guide for Men and Women (1578262496)

The Lacrosse Training Bible The Essential Guidebook for Players, Coaches, and Enthusiasts "The Lacrosse Training Bible" brings everything you wanted to know about playing, training for, and teaching lacrosse into one easy-to-use manual. Written by coach and fitness trainer Vincent Perez-Mazzola, with contributions from professional lacrosse player Matt Brown and University of Denver Men's Head Coach Jamie Munro, this book will give you the cutting-edge training you need. It's the essential guide to stepping up your game, with detailed chapters on: -All aspects of athletic training, from warm-ups and flexibility to strength training -Unique skills and drills section highlighting catching, throwing, dodging your man, ground balls, passing, ripping rope, and stick tricks -Nutrition information designed to keep you energized, hydrated, and in the game -Tough training to challenge men, women, youth, high school, college, and pro ballers alike -A complete look at t...

Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus (9780199230884)

The second edition of the Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus is the perfect language resource, combining a dictionary and thesaurus text. This means that you only have to reach for one book when you need language help. In this edition the dictionary and thesaurus texts are integrated so that the thesaurus entry for a word follows the dictionary entry directly. This is based on market research into user preferences making the dictionary accessible, clear, and easy to use. New to this edition is a centre section for crossword enthusiasts and puzzle solvers, containing hundreds of thematic word lists. With 300,000 definitions, synonyms, and antonyms, this really is the ultimate tool for anyone who loves language-based quizzes and puzzles. The Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus also features usage notes to help you deal with tricky vocabulary and improve your writing style. The ultimate reference tool for your shelf - but not designed to stay there! Produc...

Hebr isches Wurzelw rterbuch (9780341378426)

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservati...

Miracles of Mother Tinctures : With Therapeutic Hints & Treatment of Diseases (9788131900987)

This work is the outcome of a learned author's untiring labour of many years, research and experience of treating diseases with homeopathic mother tinctures. It offers advice on applying physiological doses of the remedies therapeutically. Product details Format Paperback | 126 pages Dimensions 175 x 120 x 7.11mm | 120g Publication date ...

Neo-Passing : Performing Identity after Jim Crow (9780252041587)

African Americans once passed as whites to escape the pains of racism. Today's neo-passing has pushed the old idea of passing in extraordinary new directions. A white author uses an Asian pen name; heterosexuals live "out" as gay; and, irony of ironies, whites try to pass as black. Mollie Godfrey and Vershawn Ashanti Young present essays that explore practices, performances, and texts of neo-passing in our supposedly postracial moment. The authors move from the postracial imagery of Angry Black White Boy and the issues of sexual orientation and race in ZZ Packer's short fiction to the politics of Dave Chappelle's skits as a black President George W. Bush. Together, the works reveal that the questions raised by neo-passing-questions about performing and contesting identity in relation to social norms-remain as relevant today as in the past. Contributors: Derek Adams, Christopher M. Brown, Martha J. Cutter, Marcia Alesan Dawkins, Michele Elam, Alisha Gaines, Jenni...

Vom Sinn der Schwermut (3836705117)

Vielfach anhand von Texten aus den Tagebüchern und anderen Werken Sören Kierkegaards beschreibt Guardini die destruktiven Kräfte, aber auch das Große, Kostbare und Hohe, das aus der Not der Schwermut aufsteigt. Darüber hinaus werden in diesem, bereits in mehreren Auflagen erschienenen Band die auch heute in vielen philosophischen und theologischen Strömungen wirksamen Grundbegriffe der Verzweiflung, der Krankheit zum Tod, des Paradoxen tiefsinnig gedeutet, aber auch in ihre Grenzen gewiesen. Product details Format Paperback | 107 pages Dimensions 118 x 180 ...